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User Guide
The in-depth guide on how to use Anaqsim
Checks of Anaqsim
A series of Anaqsim models used to check the implementation of particular boundary elements, and where possible compare against either empirical relations or other software. Each input file associated with each model is provided and can be saved to a .anaq ...
Basic Tutorials
3 Basic tutorials covering the core functionality of Anaqsim. All can be run using the Demo version of Anaqsim
Installation Manual
Installation instructions and System Requirements
Computational details
User Interface
Anaqsim is an analytic element software for simulating groundwater flow. It uses subdomains as described in Fitts (2010), which gives it strong capabilities with respect to heterogeneity and anisotropy. It also employs high-order line elements, spatially-var...
Anaqsim Modeling Concepts
This section does not repeat details that are published elsewhere in books and articles, but instead gives a quick outline of the techniques used in Anaqsim and cites the appropriate references for those interested in the details. Anaqsim employs the analytic...
Computational Limits and Efficiency
There are limits imposed by the amount of memory that a computer can address and these can limit the maximum size of an Anaqsim model. The following graph shows data from numerical experiments with 64-bit Anaqsim on a number of different computers. These dat...
Parallel Processing
Starting with release 2023-1, parallel processing was implemented for determining the coefficients of the matrix A, and the vector b, which form the core components of the linear equation solver Ax = b, updated at each timestep in the solve process. Starting ...
Automating Runs
In addition to running Anaqsim interactively through the graphic user interface, you can make automated runs using the Windows command prompt. This may be useful for running parameter estimation software such as PEST or for executing a batch of unattended run...
Plot Tab
The Plot tab shows the model inputs and results plotted in map view. This view is automatically shown after opening an existing model, and after making a plot under the Make Plot menu. Most of the Plot view is a map view of the model that can display a basem...
Data Tab
The data tab allows you to edit model inputs, plot inputs, and analysis inputs with a data grid component that displays data from the underlying data tables. To display and edit a table, make a selection under the Model Input, Plot Input, or Analysis Input me...
Log Tab
The Log tab holds the run log, which is an area that displays text output from the program. The run log continues to accrue more text as you execute various tasks such as updating license information, opening a file, solving the system of equations, checking ...
General Modelling Sequence
Creating a model follows this general sequence: You can start a new model either right after starting the program or after selecting File/Close which closes the current input and begins a new input data set. Once either of these steps is taken, you may edi...
Menu Keyboard Shortcuts
You can access common menu items with keyboard shortcuts by pressing the key sequences as listed below. Many are standard Windows shortcuts. Ctrl-O File/Open Ctrl-S File/Save F12 File/SaveAs Ctrl-W File/Close Alt-FE File/Exit...
File Menu
This menu allows you to open and save input files and create files that are used for creating initial head conditions for transient models. Open This selection opens a dialog that allows you to find and open existing input files (.anaq extension). These fil...
Edit Menu
This is like edit menus in most other Windows applications with Cut, Copy, and Paste menu choices. These functions are also available with the usual keyboard shortcuts: control-x (cut) control -c (copy) control -v (paste).
Solve and Cancel Solve
Solve Pressing Solve begins the process of solving the system of equations associated with your model. The program constructs the system of equations and then invokes a direct LU solver to determine the unknown strength parameters associated with wells, line...
Make Plot Menu
Selections here cause a plot to be generated. The view is automatically shifted to the map view with any of these selections. All Selected Features, Choose Level / Time After selecting a model level and time step (for transient models) in the pop-up window,...
Analysis Input Menu
Items under this menu allow you analyze the results of a simulation after the system of equations is solved (Solve). Hydrograph Points These allow you to track head (or drawdown) vs. time at specific points during a transient simulation. They may be used to...
Plot Input Menu
Items under this menu control what appears in the plot created when you select Make Plot/Level... from the menu. What to Plot This line of input controls what gets plotted when you select Make Plot/Level 1, Level2, etc. Window defines the coordinates of t...
Analysis Menu
Under this menu there are many choices for analyzing a model after the system of equations has been solved. Remember to Solve the system after making input changes and before using this menu. Some choices generate graphs, others generate text output to the r...
License Menu
These are topics about your Anaqsim license - how to activate it and check its status. This section applies to the licensed versions of Anaqsim: ‘Quick Designer’ and ‘Deep Designer’. (The Demo version of Anaqsim does not require a license). License Status ...
Pressing this opens this Anaqsim User Guide Windows help file. The User Guide gives and overview of Anaqsim modeling concepts and then details about the program's user interface and all menu items. Use the contents tab at the left to navigate to and open des...
About Anaqsim
This causes the Anaqsim release number and the web site URL to be presented in a pop-up window.