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License Menu
These are topics about your Anaqsim license - how to activate it and check its status. This sect...
Licensing Anaqsim
Anaqsim by default installs in 'Demo' mode which has limited capabilities and is not for commerci...
Installing Anaqsim
Anaqsim can be downloaded from the website. The downloaded file is a Windows Ins...
Anaqsim is an analytic element software for simulating groundwater flow. It uses subdomains as d...
Automating Runs
In addition to running Anaqsim interactively through the graphic user interface, you can make aut...
Model Input Menu
General This item has only one line of input. The first item is checked if the model is steady-...
Tutorial 1
Building a single-layer heterogeneous, anisotropic model with various boundary conditions Introd...
The user interface consists of one main menu plus three different tabs: Plot: for graphically ...
Plot View Options
This menu appears in the upper left below the main menu when you are in the plot view. It does no...
Analysis Menu
Under this menu there are many choices for analyzing a model after the system of equations has be...
Plot Input Menu
Items under this menu control what appears in the plot created when you select Make Plot/Level......
Analysis Input Menu
Items under this menu allow you analyze the results of a simulation after the system of equations...
Make Plot Menu
Selections here cause a plot to be generated. The view is automatically shifted to the map view ...
Solve and Cancel Solve
Solve Pressing Solve begins the process of solving the system of equations associated with your ...
File Menu
This menu allows you to open and save input files and create files that are used for creating ini...
General Modelling Sequence
Creating a model follows this general sequence: You can start a new model either right after s...
Data Tab
The data tab allows you to edit model inputs, plot inputs, and analysis inputs with a data grid c...
Plot Tab
The Plot tab shows the model inputs and results plotted in map view. This view is automatically ...
Computational Limits and Efficiency
There are limits imposed by the amount of memory that a computer can address and these can limit ...
Anaqsim Modeling Concepts
This section does not repeat details that are published elsewhere in books and articles, but inst...